No Struggle, No Progress

True Vine Block Party

True Vine Baptist Church kicked off it's Family and Friends Day on Sunday, October 30, with 3 services beginning with Dr. D'Antre Jackson. Pastor Jackson preached from Luke 15, "The Prodigal Son". Pastor Hunter continued the celebration preaching from Mark 3, Subject "Are you in the Family"? While listening to these two Powerful Men of God the congregation was on their Feet more than in their Seats. The family that invited the most guest received a monetary gift. Derel Harper, Usher Ministry was the winner with over 25 guest. The day continued with a Trick or Trunk Neighborhood Block Party. Al Cherry, Gospel Hip Hop Artist was Awesome. Cherry kept the crowd hyped. Prizes were given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner of Best Decorated Trunk and Best Costumes. Judges were Myranda Gaddis, Ronnie Johnson and Larry "Flip" Wilson. Special thanks to Carroll High School ROTC, under the leadership of Col. Reginald Williams and Sgt. Matthew Dicarlo. CHS came out in large numbers and volunteered to work the games, serve food, pass out prizes and/or candy. They were extremely helpful and worked with a spirit of Excellence. Dr. Stonewall Hunter, Jr. is Pastor.


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