No Struggle, No Progress
Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding; Is Monroe being properly governed? Has it been in a long time? I'll disclose information pertaining to leadership, in order to properly help you, the reader, do somewhat of an assessment. In order to govern (rule, lead or head) people, those in charge must possess, innately- a love, passion or at least care, for those people. There is no other way to correctly conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of a city (in this instance). Officials must be dedicated and committed to all people and partial to none. Also, those elected must have an understanding of the needs and also desires of the citizens and place they govern over. There must be a way to help citizens properly understand as well- exactly what is being done to address immediate and future issues/needs- even reasonable desires. There must be unity and teamwork, dedication and commitment. There must be a will that breeds resiliency. There must be equality and inclusiveness of everyone. There must be a drive to reach solutions, no matter the problem. Lastly, there must be a great measure of discernment, to understand what is beneficial for and detrimental to those being governed. Monroe, Louisiana, these are just some ways in which you can properly assess those who governs you. Don’t settle for anything less, neither be unreasonable in expectations or requests. You have a lot to say when you vote in officials, and you have a lot to say now. Let those who govern you know if it is well or it is not. Officials, there is no way around God; therefore, govern HIS way!
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