No Struggle, No Progress

Keeping Church and State Separate

As this nation inches closer to the 2022 midterm elections, it will be a battle over which party will take control of Congress; one that will make sure that President Joe Biden will be a lame duck with two broken legs or a party that will do what it can to save Mr. Biden’s presidency. Some will say that the Republican Party “owns” the Supreme Court with their long-awaited victory over Roe V. Wade, as the conservative wing of the court delivered on just what Republicans wanted in the abortion war. When one thinks of the Supreme Court, the phrase “conservative wing” doesn’t sound much like the image of Lady Justice standing blindfolded with the scales of justice in her hands which are supposed to be balanced, notwithstanding any political leanings. While in the nation’s history of the Supreme Court, there may have been some men/women who ruled on principle and not on the desires of a particular president, those days appear to be long gone. There was also a time in this nation’s history, we knew what the role of the government was (or is supposed to be) and the role of the church’s mission here on earth. From the beginning of this nation, men of wealth, influence and prestige made sure that they gave some acknowledgement to God, the Creator, but the Constitution as crafted and the accompaning documents were all about creating a government, not a religious state. Christianity had already been established for well over a thousand years, along with other world religions, as the settlers came from a nation where religion was practiced. We are told that it was the government or the practices of that government that caused the settlers to leave “for a better life” for a new land. One thing that we can be certain of, is that the framers wanted to keep the government and the church separated because there were things that they knew that the scriptures would not support from what the Creator has said is righteous, while man will have different ideas of what is righteousness. One issue, that of slavery was staring them right in the face even before the nation won its independence from England.

In the current world, there are those who have been trying for decades for the government to cede more of its authority into the hands of those who lead the many religious institutions in America. The abortion decision was a splendid example of what happens when the church and the government “come together”, one for we are told religious reasons and the other we know, are for retaining power. However, over the decades, we have seen a meshing of the two entities supposedly in the name of “freedoms/righteousness”, while at the same time, maintaining control over the government. As this reporter has said many times, there has been no closing of churches in America because the Constitution forbids it. People can practice whatever religion they choose. That is not enough for some in the religious community. A Republican congresswoman, Rep. Boebert (CO) recently said that the government should not control the church, but rather the church (religion) should control the government, which is exactly what Jesus didn’t tell his disciples before he sent them out into the world. He told his disciples (before Paul) to “teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you”. He didn’t say anything about controlling the government of man. That’s the separation. Religion is a belief system, not a governmental (democracy) that enforces laws. When it stops being what it was intended for and wants to take the place of government, some will call that fascism. When Jesus stood before Pilate, he was asked if he was a king. Jesus asked Pilate for his opinion. Pilate replied that he was not a Jew, then Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world, that if it was, his servants (disciples) would fight for him. At that moment, Jesus didn’t try to take over the Roman government through his followers. The same applies in 2022. According to James Madison, the fourth president (1809-1817), who once said that “the purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores (America) the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe in blood for centuries”. Remember, there was a time when wars were fought in the name of religion. Were they fought for the a belief system rooted in the gospel or were they fought for control of a government?

There are some conservative candidates running their campaigns using religion in their platform and Donald Trump as their champion of religious values. Republicans are using voter suppression laws, stirring up their base that America being a “Christian” nation is under attack from liberals and that only they like the Colorado congresswoman can “save” America. One such candidate in Pennsylvania was given a sword prop to help him “fight” for their freedoms that they say are under attack. The candidate took the sword and proudly said, “Where’s Goliath?”. One must remember that the sword didn’t kill Goliath, but a smooth, not rough, stone that David flung into the forehead of the Philistine giant. David gathered smooth stones because of his belief and personal relationship with God that He would give him the victory. When the giant fell to the ground, he was already dead. David didn’t need the sword because the battle was the Lord’s. David allowed himself to be a vessel. That is why separation of church and state is important because Jesus’ disciples have already gotten their marching orders. Jesus could have established his kingdom thousands of years ago when he established his church in Jerusalem. He kept it separated from the government and from those in other nations where the gospel was spread. Things only changed when those who claimed to be his disciples, made a deal with governments of the world to share the power. We see that here in America, it is a new Europe and there are those who are willing to use violence to get their way, all in the name of religion. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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