No Struggle, No Progress

Our Heritage, Our Children

A lot of times, as parents- we feel our parenting is well. After all, we work hard, cook, pay bills, clothe and provide much for our children. We are supposed to be their first line of defense, the ones who wipe their tears, and the ones who teach and guide them; honestly, in today’s society, much of what is supposed to be done, is not happening. Children are practically raising and fending for themselves. There were once strict curfews, guidelines, discipline and much love in many homes. Parents did not wonder much where their children were, because they knew. Children respected their elders and others, because those responsible for them, made sure they had manners and integrity. Adults in the community teamed up and trained the children in the way they should go, because of they acknowledged the fact, that it takes a village. There were no perfect parents, but there were many refusing to allow the world to raise their children. Today, it’s like a whole new world. Multitudes of children are misguided, neglected and malnourished. Their main role models are influencers who promote violence, perversion, rebellion and ill-gotten gain. Instead of women correcting the dangerous behavior of their young daughters, some laugh at it, and even worse- they encourage it. Instead of fathers teaching their sons the value of hard work, patience and dedication, many are teaching them (directly or indirectly) to be irresponsible, disrespectful and perverse. This is so detrimental to the future, because our children are the future. Scripture tells us that children are a heritage from the Lord. God loves His little ones, and has entrusted them to us. We have a major responsibility to train our children in the proper way. There’s a big price to pay for misleading and mishandling them. It’s time to take them back up into arms that love, discipline and nurture them. No longer can society, influencers and social media raise our youth. Parents must stand up and sacrifice their own pleasures (if need be), to ensure our children will receive spiritual, mental, emotional and natural nourishment. No longer can excuses and enabling of wrongdoing stand. There are far too many dying before their time and forfeiting their birthright and purposes. If we don’t become more involved and engage, we’ll all suffer in the end. If children are truly our heritage from the Lord, what then, are we doing with our heritage?


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