No Struggle, No Progress

The End Is Near

In the beginning of creation, on the sixth day God created man in his image and likeness. Because God is holy, so was man. Adam was the man's name. God's gave Adam one commandment. Adam sinned against God, therefore all of mankind became sinners through his seed. Jesus came to destroy the work of sin in the flesh, in those who accept him, and obey his commandments as was ordered from the beginning, once again taking on God's holiness and righteousness, becoming Christlike in obedience to God. Unlike Adam, Christian’s castaway acts that defile (Gal.5:19-21); that's an abomination (Lev.19:1-2). Let's make righteous judgements. Let's not defraud one another, nor curse the blind, deaf or poor. Let's cast off the workers of darkness (talebearers, tv, radio, internet, anything that wars against the righteous statues of God which brings death to your soul).Well Bless God, Superintendent . Henry Davison


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