No Struggle, No Progress

Stand For Something!

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. We know what Scripture says, regarding peacemakers. Knowing this, we should most definitely want to be peacemakers; for it’s an honor to even be called a child of God. What I want to get into, is the fact that making peace may look completely opposite of what we feel it is. I was inspired by God, in something I heard, to write this article. Peacemakers are active- not passive. Making peace is not about making everyone happy; as a matter of fact, while making peace, some may get very offended. In order to make peace sometimes, one may have to be willing to go to war with evil and step on some toes. To make peace sometimes, one may have to risk being ostracized and even hated. Making peace sometimes, may mean friends, family members and others, walking away, because they don’t agree with or understand. Many have an idea in their own minds, of how peacemakers should be. Most of the time, that idea is of a peacekeeper- not a peacemaker. There is a difference between peacekeepers and peacemakers. In today’s society, there are many peacekeepers, who would do anything (including allow wrongdoing and evil to prevail), just to keep peace. That is not what God is speaking of. He doesn’t want us passively sitting by, just praying- while wickedness and injustice prevails. We are the light of the world. We must be seen doing something. We must stand for righteousness’ sake and refuse to sit by idly like we have no authority in this earth. Believers often quote Exodus 14:14, as a reason to not speak up or react to injustice and wickedness but read on. Right after Moses made that statement in Exodus 14:14, God replied by calling the children of Israel to action (Exodus 14:15). Right now, God is calling those who are called by His name and call upon His name, into action. He wants us to MAKE peace, and that may mean causing interruptions and disturbances, in many areas where others are turning blind eyes. Too many love the praise of man, more than the praise of God; so, they accept cowardice as a means of keeping peace. Standing up takes a boldness, many lack in this generation. For true peacemakers though, even if war is the means to make peace, we don’t relent. We stand with our God, who reigns. We move when He says move. We speak what He says speak. We address what He says address, and we war when He gives the command. We are peacemakers, not peacekeepers. We keep peace, after we make peace. We don’t dishonor God, by honoring man. We stand for something. Blessed are all who do so, in the Lord’s name! I adjure you brothers and sisters to MAKE peace, in your homes, the church, your workplace and communities. Nobody respects a coward- not even his/her Maker (Revelation 21:8). This isn’t about carnal aggression; it’s about righteous standing. Stand!


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