No Struggle, No Progress

Have Gun, Will Travel

If you don’t succeed the first time, try again, is an old saying that we have heard many times before and, more than likely, have received as unsolicited advice. It makes sense in the fact that sometimes one has to do something more than once just to get it right. On that sentiment, it appears that Louisiana Republicans in the House are doing just that in another effort to get gun legislation passed. Recently, Republicans in the House passed legislation with a 64-27 vote concerning HB37 that would allow adults to carry a gun without a permit or have adequate training to own a gun. The bill will now go to the Senate, which Republicans also control, as the measure is sure to pass by a wide margin, with hardly any Republican objections. That is because Republicans are hailing the bill as a “constitutional carry” right. They contend that the Constitution already gives people the right to arm themselves, which should not be an argument, as most people agree. The bill will allow, as it reads, any adult the right to purchase a firearm, conceal it on their person, or walk around with it in plain sight and not be required to know how to use the weapon properly. Louisiana is currently known as an open carry state, meaning that anyone can walk around with their weapon clearly visible in public, but a permit is needed. Now, an individual will be able to walk around with a firearm concealed or visible, without a permit, and without any required training on using that weapon responsibly. One of the legislators in favor of the bill reportedly said he didn’t believe people "needed permission" to defend themselves. Even giving that lawmaker the benefit of the doubt, those words were not about freedom but were vote-getting words. The state has other pressing problems/needs that should be addressed, but instead, some legislators want to go on gun issues as a way of ensuring the voters that they are “protecting” them. They are not. As the legislator knows, this nation has over 300 millions gun of all types within its borders. Yes, guns are used for protection, but some of those guns are used in evil, heinous crimes. We have armed law enforcement to “protect and serve” us, but this nation has a violence issue. The one thing missing in HB37 is responsible ownership of those guns. That’s where the proper training comes in and should include the responsibility of the gun owner to make sure that their weapon is properly secured at all times to prevent accidental shootings that can lead to death. People, especially the very young who somehow get access to guns, still kill themselves or someone else, with hardly any adult being held responsible. Suppose Republicans are so sure that the founding architects intended every American to bear arms. Wouldn’t it be reasonable that they would expect the populace to know how to use a gun properly? Republicans even rejected an amendment to the bill that would allow state police to offer online training but wouldn’t make it mandatory. Is that looking out for the public’s interest? How many of the thousands of gun owners will flood law enforcement to show/teach them the responsibilities of handling, firing, and securing firearms? Republicans have no answers to those questions. To make matters worse, the “law and order” party seems to be rejecting the concerns of some of those in law enforcement. Specifically, the Louisiana Association of Police Chiefs warns that the bill, if signed into law, will “elevate the potential of illegal gun violence or accidental shootings” according to reports. The consensus among even those law enforcement officers is that not all of them oppose the bill. It seems like the law and order folks are defying law and order. It’s all about getting the votes and staying in power. The final say-so is in the hands of Gov. John Bel Edwards. Stay tuned.


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