No Struggle, No Progress


We all go through things. Some are worse than others, but every time we go through something we have two options: One, we can sit and dwell on it and let it ruin our plans in life or two, we can let it make us stronger. Everybody goes through something in life. Everyone. There isn’t a single person on this planet who hasn’t been through something that either upset them or changed their life. Yet here’s where most people tend to mess up. Will you let it break you or will you let it make you? When we go through things, God wants us to always have a positive outlook on it. Now me, it’s hard for me to have a positive outlook on something when it looks like everything is just going downhill. I’ve figured out, it’s also hard for other people as well. You aren’t alone, no one is. We may think we are, but the truth is, we aren’t. We may be alone right now, but I hate to tell you, it’s only by choice. Yes, they might have ended the friendship or relationship, or you may have gotten laid off when you did nothing wrong but right in those moments, you have a choice to either be upset for the rest of the day or your life or you can brush it off. Brushing these things off will make us better and stronger in the end. Now I know you’re thinking, Christina you’re only a kid what do you know about coming out stronger? I’m so glad you asked. I’ve been through a lot as a kid, and I’m still going through stuff right now. A lot of pressure has been put on me growing up, and even though that pressure isn’t as heavy, I still feel it. However, one day I was sitting outside, and I realized, I’m only upset and anxious because I choose to be. I chose to be sad all of the time and I chose not to be the best me possible but when I started reading my Bible and talking to God more, I never felt more alive. Now, you’re still going to have those hard times along the way but here’s the great part about life. You call the shots. Not your mom, dad, husband, or wife, but you. As long as you align your words and footsteps with the right things that God wants, I promise you’ll feel higher than Mount Everest. So, keep the faith, don’t give up o on God, spread the gospel, and be a true warrior that YOU know God wants you to be.


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