No Struggle, No Progress

Time To Reap

John 4:35 | NKJV Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! Beloved, ask God to give us ears to hear and eyes to see when it is TIME TO REAP!!! Our Harvest time is at hand. It is Time to Reap!!! Beloved you have sown seeds and waited patiently for the LATTER RAIN to fall down upon you. Illness, setbacks, distractions, derailments, detours and delays have occurred. They shall not deny you of your Victory nor prevent your Harvest to come to pass. It’s Time to Reap!!! Your Harvest of Divine Supernatural Health has Come. Your time of Positive, Productive, Godly Relationships has Come. Advancements and Higher Achievements are about to happen in your life. Peace and Contentment with Love and Joy are NOW available for you, your children, your family, loved ones and friends. It’s Time to Reap!!! Every encounter and interaction that you have TODAY is an opportunity for God’s Glory to “burst forth” and shine It’s Light wherever you are. And it will ALL point to Jesus! Who is the author and finisher of our Faith! Lift up the Name, Person, Presence, and Power of Jesus and see the Lord of the Harvest provide you with abundant Provisions. It’s Harvest Time! And it’s…Time to Reap!!!


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