No Struggle, No Progress

Take The Human Drug

A while back, this reporter wrote an article about some people seemingly mocking God for refusing to take a vaccine shot that, in all respects, is saving lives. Over the last year, we have seen millions of people in the U.S. take COVID-19 vaccine shots as the only solution to preventing infections from the disease. Yes, we know that the vaccines were created in "record time", but based on the evidence of what we have seen, they came at the "right" time. There were skeptics who questioned how the drugs would be because they can take at least 18 months to develop and they must meet FDA approval before the public can use them. But due to the widespread infection rate and mounting deaths from COVID-19, it became a matter of not if, but when the public could take the life-saving vaccines. The deaths and infection rates started to come down and it seemed as if many people's prayers were answered, as deaths were occurring among people in biblical proportions in the U.S. and around the world. There were those who called for the U.S. to fully reopen, only not use the health saving measures such as social distancing, washing of hands and the dreaded mask wearing. Many stopped or would not take the shots, saying that it "went against their individual freedoms" The nation is now in its fourth surge of COVID-19, with each surge being worse than the last, simply because many people outright mocked the pandemic as some made of conspiracy of alien DNA being in the drug. There were others who used public means(media)to convince many people to distrust the doctors who work in infectious disease control, telling people to just not believe what they hear about COVID-19. It has gotten to the point where people are turning away from vaccines that have proven to be lifesaving and are using means that go against accepted medical practice. One of the means that people are trying (and using) is taking a drug that is widely used in animals. The drug ivermectin is WIDELY used to treat parasitic worms in horses and cows, not in humans. Though when used in humans (on a very small scale), it is used to treat head lice, scabs and other parasites, it is not recommended to treat COVID-19. But that hasn't stopped doctors from prescribing the drug, as all around the nation, people are taking the drug at such a rate that some businesses have seen alarming requests for the drug. Some are even experiencing shortages of the drug. People have been warned not to ingest the drug in their systems because it can cause serious side effects such as nausea, muscle pain, diarrhea, coma that can lead to death. The drug does not cure people from covid despite what they may hear. It wasn't so long ago that people were looking at using hydroxychloroquine as a cure for covid, but there are no FDA approvals for such a treatment. Then there are those who as mentioned earlier, use social media platforms to be a part of the "anti-vax" crowd, outwardly downplaying the seriousness of COVID-19. In the last month, three conservatives radio hosts have died. They have espoused views liking the government as being Nazis, as it has repeatedly asked doubters to take the vaccines. Other antivaxxers who have led efforts against vaccinations have died leaving loved ones in grief. They even booed Donald Trump when he suggested that they take the vaccines. Now we are seeing police officers die from not taking the vaccine. And no, it is not because a "high number"(more than whites) of Blacks haven't taken the vaccine, as Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said. They would rather place the blame on others than give the credit to God. They are not saying anything bad about ivermectin, though it doesn't offer a cure. God provided us with an answer to our prayers. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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