No Struggle, No Progress

Critical Race Theory, Facing the Truth

There has been so much talk about what is “critical race theory” in this nation, where it is to the point, the definition of just what exactly it is, is not known. However, there is one thing about it that is undeniable and that, like the subject of race, is that it is keeping us apart as a nation. Why is that? It is interesting that the concept is called Critical Race Theory and the word “race” is right in the middle. It’s critical that the races resolve their differences, or God will do it for us. Racial issues are not going anywhere. Theory is not a PROVEN fact in the real world, something that Republicans missed. Perhaps it is being used as a ploy to keep the truth hidden from most of the population, especially our young people. If we are to know the real truth of this nation covering the last 200+ years, most of us would not be surprised. That is because so much of what we have been taught in school or watched in some sanitized movie/tv version of this nation’s history, has almost always showed one race as the “righteous” ones. It has gone on for thousands of years, that to the point, we have been “indoctrinated” to believe what were the facts when there wasn’t any. It should be called Critical Race FACT, as it is an attempt to bring the truth out, not to put someone under a microscope, but to acknowledge the truth of this nation’s history and the sins committed by earlier Americans that so many people are running away from. Slavery has been called America’s “original” sin because of how it treated its Black citizens since 1619 even before it became a nation. Not only Black people who were brought here from thousands of miles away, but how the real Native Americans were treated after the “persecuted” people left Europe, particularly England. History teaches us that they fled from tyranny, only to come to a land that after many decades, those that fled, opened up a tyrannical form of government that did what it wanted to do with those who were not from the same nations that they came from. Native Americans were killed and driven from their ancestral lands in the millions, while Africa-Americans were denied full citizenship because those that formed the American system of governing as we now know it, “forgot” where they came from. By not accepting critical race (FACT) theory, this nation is denying future generations the ability or the right to know the truth about race and how it has always been at the forefront of the division that started back in 1619. 1776 is an important date in this nation’s history, but also is 1619. One celebrates the beginning of independence, while the other starts a very dark, ugly chapter of this nation’s history, where the sins committed can only be washed away by repentance. Nevertheless, the “powers that be” don’t want to hear of any acknowledgement of the truth, rather it is from our political/governmental leaders and now it seems from religious leaders who can trace their denominations back to the early years of this nation. As mentioned earlier, those against any form of critical race theory or the 1619 Project, know that when the truth comes out, those who have been taught differently, will see that they have been “indoctrinated” from the truth, that what they had been told was “the gospel” of this nation’s history. Even the scriptures warn us to be wary of false teachers, whose only goal is for one to accept their version of, not question it, the truth.

An example is what happened recently, when millions of Americans were exposed to the Tulsa Massacre that happened 100 years ago during May 31-June1. We were never taught about the Black people killed and their neighborhoods destroyed by a white mob because of the allegations of a white woman that a Black man “did something” to her. We were never taught about other harrowing incidents where Black people were killed, while law enforcement was nearly non-existent to protect them. It can probably be said that not many white people were educated as to the number of instances where Black people suffered injustices. The history of what has happened since 1619 is out there, but it will stay in the dark if the powers that be, have their way. The scriptures teach us that the nation of Israel had The Day of Atonement, where the High Priest went into the Temple of God and prayed for the sins of the people, asking God for his forgiveness. The Priest’s heart had to be right when he went in, but there was also a rope tied around his waist with bells on the rope. As long as bells were heard, the people knew everything was all right. But when there were no sounds to be heard, it meant that the Priest was dead. The “powers that be” is this nation’s High Priest, in that they supposed to know what is right/good for this nation. Although, if their hearts are not right and they do not seek the truth, this nation will suffer until people who are not afraid of the truth being told, continue to make their voices heard. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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