No Struggle, No Progress
The president/CEO of a Rayville business is once under attack from rival family members, who are allegedly looking to take over the thriving business. The Monroe Dispatch previously reported that several individuals had unsuccessfully tried to oust Henry Davison as head of Davison Family Accounts. The business, which was located at 213 Newton St. in Rayville, has relocated to 106 Courthouse Square, adjacent to the courthouse, after having to vacate the Newton St. address. Davison said the move was necessary because of an incident where two alleged family members entered the Newton office and allegedly confiscated important papers that Davison says may be used in a renewed attempt to remove him. Davison said that those individuals did not get all of what they were looking for, as he was able to retrieve other important records. Davison also said that some personal items were taken, but he couldn't understand the relevance of them taking his things for an attempted takeover of the company. Those family members have obtained legal counsel, and Davison said that he has furnished them with what they have requested.
Davison shared that the requests keep coming. He has complied with all state and federal regulations, as all records are kept up-to-date, and the business has "a clean bill of health". Payroll is completed on time, but he believes that the actions are taken by two "disgruntled" employees, who allegedly have "little to no interest" in the operation of the company. The company is profitable, employing over 80 people, and nothing has been said regarding any mistreatment or breaking occupational laws. In the meantime, one of the business bank accounts has been suspended to prevent any unauthorized withdrawal/spending of company funds. All Davison can do, he says, is to wait on the next move from the two individuals' attorney. Davison told the Monroe Dispatch that the rest of the board and employees support him and believe he has nothing to hide. Things had gotten so intense between Davison and one of the family members, he was sprayed in the face with a chemical irritant, causing severe discomfort. Despite the situation, he wants to continue to be civil. The two alleged individuals are said to live outside of Louisiana, but the tension between them and Davison has gone on for some time. It is an "all or nothing" move on their part, even when Davison said that he had to step away in an effort to create order.
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