No Struggle, No Progress

Streets Motto "Kill or Be Killed"

Right here in Monroe and West Monroe, LA young people are senselessly murdering one another time and time again. Are these sure signs that the end of the age is near? If the end of the New World Order is coming, are we ready? Will there be many, or almost any of us left to witness this ending?

We can actually see this ending coming each day in the media, whether it is printed news, on-the-air, or through other means of technology. Recent headlines in printed media have informed us of the deaths of young people right here in Monroe by some means or another in the same sensationalism on television or even Facebook. Recent killings were being reported so rapidly that readers and viewers are confusing the incidents. We are accustomed to reading and hearing about multiple crimes committed by youth, but these latest reports have been right here on our own home front. Never before have we heard of such an unbelievable number of killings by young people among one another. We have to wonder what actually drives them to such desperate measures. One youngster who recently got out of a detention facility shared that he got into trouble for getting with a couple of friends and breaking and entering into some homes. They were reported and got caught. He ended up in a detention facility. From his observation, he learned that the survival motto was “kill or be killed”. This could mean to physically hurt or harm someone before they hurt you, but the lesson is when you get back on the street, remember the survival motto. This youngster also stated that people would be surprised how many people are killed and the killer is never caught. This is how this person was influenced, but there are others who are killing each other. Some researchers take the underlying reasons back to childhood and upbringing, which could be based on awful treatment or neglect and a means of survival in the family or foster care or in school, even. Other influences on killing are said to be music that has violence, sex, or glorification of drugs, rape, murder, and disrespect for all types of authority; movies in which violence is out-of-control; denigration of Christianity; and some computer games have made murders out to be heroes. Some writers do not believe that gun control will be the answer because a killer will get a gun no matter what the law may be. Yes, counseling can always be helpful, that is, if youth are reached prior to committing the crimes or murders. It is so unfortunate that people exist in this society, walking around among the innocent and living by a motto like, “kill or be killed”. We must all do our part to change things before it is too late.


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