No Struggle, No Progress

South Grand Standoff

An unidentified(as of press time) man held a large group of police officers at bay on South Grand St., Tuesday, April 13, 2020, before surrendering to authorities. Monroe Police Department (MPD) officers would later find out that the individual was armed and posed a potential threat to the neighborhood. Residents that live in the area reportedly expressed concerns after hearing rumors that someone had been shot. That rumor was later confirmed to be untrue. The individual was said to be "mentally disturbed" and did not initially leave the premises when police arrived. A special unit, Monroe Crisis Intervention Team(CIT), was called in, and a police negotiator was used to talk the individual into leaving the house where he was settled. He was later taken to a hospital to be examined, and according to reports through MPD, the individual was not charged with any crime. That could change, depending on the outcome of an investigation into why police were called.

As law enforcement officers handle that investigation, some in the community are still waiting for information on the status of an incident where David Harris died under mysterious circumstances while in police custody. Police officers made contact with Harris on April 3, and a decision was made to transport Harris to a local hospital. Harris was not said to be having any mental issues when he came in contact with officers. Unlike the unidentified individual on S. Grand St., Harris would not survive his encounter with police officers. Harris was not said to be armed, but unlike the individual that held police officers at bay who was armed, he will live to tell his story. As the public awaits information of any kind concerning Harris's death, the question being asked is why did one man die and another live. There were media cameras at the scene on S. Grand St., so the public will have a record of what could have potentially happened if things had taken a turn for the worst on S. Grand St. The public can also see how CIT handles situations that officers say they receive training to handle. David Harris may become another statistic of an alleged police-related death where the truth may only be known by those who were with Harris last. Several highly controversial deaths of people, particularly Black individuals, have been thrust in the public and media spotlight because of alleged misconduct by police officers. George Floyd and Daunte Wright stand out because the cameras were right there for the world to witness what can happen when things go horribly wrong. An Army soldier also found out what can happen when a Black individual is all alone with police officers, and he is in fear of his life. Not from an enemy on the battlefield, but in the streets of America where his uniform is disrespected by those in a uniform who owe their freedoms to people like that soldier. The community wants good, but honest policing. There is no one size fits all approach, but fairness and equal treatment is something that we all deserve. That is all Black people have ever asked, yet it still eludes us.


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