No Struggle, No Progress

Partners' Spat

Life is full of adjustments which some can or can't make changes. When the going gets tough, many go off on the deep end not being able to handle the pressure. Many times, most not all only know one way which is their way and damn the rest until the police arrive. Hard to say slippers, after the police arrive! According to police reports on February 21, police were summoned to a domestic dispute involving Supects Shequeena M. Carroll and Marieon O. Thomas. Suspect Thomas admitted to throwing a vase and bottle at her live in partner while striking her on the back of her head during an altercation which turned physical. Suspect Carroll admitted to hitting her live in partner of 2 years with an open hand during a physical altercation injuring Thomas in her left eye requiring medical attention. Both suspects were arrested and charged with domestic abuse battery. There are three sides to every story. This was one side of this story. The Monroe Dispatch welcomes another or the other side of this story.


Photo Marieon O. Thomas


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