No Struggle, No Progress

Forgetting Capitol Riot

It has been three weeks since the nation and the world witnessed just how far some Americans are willing to go when they don’t get their way. January 6 is a day that should be taught in schools across the nation to show the future of this nation (our children) that what happened on the steps of the Capitol, is not the way people settle their differences. Especially in a nation of laws, as we’ve been told that this is what separates America from non-democratic nations. That is important because if we are not careful in coming to a quick and decisive resolution on who to hold accountable and sentence for their actions, the insurrection on the Capitol will be seen by many as an effort by people who were “mislead”. What was once seen as “vocal condemnation” by Republicans who say that the insurrection never should have happened in America, is starting to give way to excuses for why it happened in the first place. Instead of laying the blame squarely on the shoulders of the individual who had told us for months that if he lost, that he wasn’t going down without a fight. Republicans are slowly backpedaling on those so-called strong condemnations of the insurrection. Only a handful of Republicans have publicly blamed Donald Trump for inciting the riot that turned into an attempt at an insurrection because they saw this as their “big chance to take back America”. Imagine for a second if the insurrection had succeeded and the U.S. government was in shambles. You would see guys like Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and other far right extremist politicians led by Donald Trump who would make some of those movies where a government is ruled by men who lust for power, seem tame. That is now being played out by Mitch McConnell who has convinced Chuck Schumer to hold a senate impeachment trial in February. That will give Republicans more time to push the narrative about that an impeachment trial will only “further divide” the nation, that it is a time for “healing”. Have you noticed that every time something happens where the blame is on Republicans, the first thing they want to do is make up and move on? Now they are calling for “unity”, but were nowhere to be found for over a year when then President Trump embraced the rhetoric of groups that he knew would like nothing better than to see this nation run by people who shared their beliefs. Freedom of expression is sacred in this nation, there is hardly any restraint by some who are saying what is on their minds. Gone is what some used to say in private, but a lot of in-your-face words are being said which has led to some confrontations that should not occur. The insurrection has shown us without strong leadership from those who will forcefully condemn words of hate and division, will only give some a license to do as they want as long as they know that many leaders don’t want to lose their support in the voting booth. That is what it is all about, POWER. Republicans in an effort to further change the narrative will blame the media for reporting what we all saw in countless video/audio clips of the insurrection as “anti-Trump”, that the blame “is in everybody” in an effort to say that Trump “didn’t do it” all by himself. That’s true, as he had the help of Republicans (not all) who stood by and said/did nothing until after the deed had been done. There will be those Republicans who will never accept that Joe Biden won the election and that the courts ruled justly against Trump, all because they have let things spiral out of hand and the only way to correct things, is to tell their supporters that the system worked and they lost. A simple gesture and the right thing to do. They say that they “want unity”, but do they? Unity is more than talk; it is a call to action. It would seem that the one who wants unity should be the one to make the first step and take action. Only thing about that is that it will cost them votes and a loss of power. We are sitting on a powder keg. Who will light the match the next time? Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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