No Struggle, No Progress

No Peace This Holiday Season

If Jesus “is the reason for the season”, then where is the peace? Nowhere to be found. Especially here in America. America, of all nations is not that bright city on a hill that we hear about when it comes to bringing people together from other nations, so that they might pursue “the American dream”. President Donald Trump made sure of that. Case in point is an example of the violence that occurred in the nation’s capitol over the weekend when members of Trump’s supporters and protesters clashed, stemming from a supposed “Stop the Steal” rally. Supporters who held the rally say they are behind the president who keeps telling the American people and numerous federal judges that the presidential election was rigged and that he won. Bigly. At a time when during elections past, a candidate for any elected office would have conceded long ago after numerous recounts show that he lost and accept the will of the voters. This reporter understands that any candidate has the right to challenge the results of an election, whether it is close or not. Nonetheless when that candidate tries to turn around the results in his/her favor despite the fact that a secretary of state after numerous recounts, certifies the results and tells the candidate and voters that said election was fair, one would assume that said candidate would gracefully bow out. Since the contested outcome of the 2020 presidential election has been heard and ruled on by the Supreme Court, the legal challenges should be over, but not in the court of public opinion. That is where the president is making his last stand. The Electors to the Electoral College have shown that they are honoring the Constitution that will allow for the peaceful transfer of power that has occurred since George Washington stepped down as the nation’s first president.

Now, 44 presidents later, no. 45 realizes that he has only a month left and no one knows exactly what will happen. If the violence in Washington D.C. is any indicator, we should brace ourselves for more public confrontations and continued rhetoric from some Trump supporters who are once again talking about seceding from the union. That kind of talk will not bring peace to a sharply divided nation on political grounds, but will only incite more violence because we know what happened 160 years ago. Somehow, we are being asked to believe that a divided nation “is best” for America simply because one side wants total control. We can already see that if the power of one’s vote is taken away, then who benefits. The side that wants to take away your vote. The side that is turning its back on those who are a part of it, because they didn’t manipulate the results internally or those who had the “gall” to turn away their legal challenges. One prime example is the Supreme Court where one could say that there was joy in conservative circles when President Trump was able to put three right leaning judges on the Supreme Court. That joy has turned to anger, the Supreme Court is not an ally of the president. Notice that he has not lashed out at his three conservative justices on the Court?

The only thing left for this president to do, is to stir the pot. He will do all that he can to disrupt Joe Biden’s administration. Conservatives often say that when presidents leave the White House, they should be seldom seen or heard on the issues. Except for Mitt Romney and a few other Republicans, Trump will be nonstop on Twitter and on Fox. Yes, they will make up. But as the season is upon us, we will hear of “peace and goodwill”, words that sound good. Before this nation talks peace, it must first practice it. The peace that will matter will only come when the Prince of Peace makes his triumphant return. Until then, do your best to live peacefully with all men. Those who truly want it, will talk of peace not only in words, but also in action. Blessed are the peacemakers no matter what the time of the year is. Well, that sums it up for another year Dispatch readers. Thank you once again for letting the Monroe Dispatch be a part of your weekly reading routine. Be safe during COVID and do not be fooled by these holiday commercials of people together not wearing masks. We are not there yet. God willing, see you in 2021. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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