No Struggle, No Progress


Women need to be in politics. This phrase brings to mind a few choice images, namely backward white males spouting defensively about wage gaps, feminists protesting stores like Hobby Lobby, and Hillary Clinton in a tremendous pantsuit. Hillary Clinton’s path to power has been inspiring to many other women, such as Katrina Jackson, Rosalind Jones and several other local Black women.

There is a reason old white men have held office for so long which is there are not many people rising through the ranks to challenge them. Luckily, there are some trailblazers out there who we can look to and hopefully soon stand beside. Women have always engaged in politics, but they are now coming out with a seriousness that has never before been seen.

The point is just because you don’t look like the average and not the same gender does not mean that there isn’t a pace for you as a leader in government. In fact, the government needs women more than ever. You do not have to have worked in government to become involved. Look around and help others. It is very important that aspiring leaders get a good education and utilize that training to apply toward building a productive future.

Women should not just call their leaders or Congressman or representative, women should prepare themselves to be a leader or a Congressman or a Representative. Women should not just vote, but get on the ballot, work in a campaign to learn the political process for running for an office.

More than ever women are being taken serious as political leaders. They are realizing that they are good at more than their jobs and daily routines. They can share and inform people in this country. While women respect the fact that they do not have to be a lawyer, but must have a good education to lead others, they are showing everyone that they are prepared to lead on all levels: local, national and international. Women can influence policy.

Women are speaking loud and clear as they stop looking at the person next to them to do something. They are getting up and doing it themselves. For all of these reasons, voters are taking women much more serious than ever before.


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