No Struggle, No Progress

"Willie Lynch" Black Self Defeat

Yes, God knows we (Black people) can attest, and point to infinite racial, discriminatory, inequality, injustices, stumbling blocks, barriers, hindrances, and deterrents that have been exercised here in our local area, as well as nationwide by local, state and federal governments, the labor markets, the criminal justice system, and numerous other systems and institutions, public and private, against Black Americans. The above mentioned is respected as what others have easily done to us. However, there is more than just one side to everything. The other side of what the aforementioned institutional systems have done to suppress Blacks, and Black advancements, is the responsibility of Black people to help themselves. There is no barrier directed against Black Americans that God cannot, are will not remove. Due to God’s gift of free will to Blacks to make their own decisions mentally and spiritually, it has been Blacks that have contributed most to their own hindrance by not taking advantage of Gods blessings, economic and political powers, educational, governmental, and related resources God has provided them. Blacks seem bound and dedicated to fulfilling the “Willie Lynch” syndrome of Black self defeat. Think about it. Right here in Ouachita Parish, Black cumulative wealth is astronomical, yet the Black community per capita is highly impoverished and experiences High unemployment. It’s not that Black citizens don’t spend money by cash, Credit cards, Bank/ATM cards, deposits, checks, money orders, food stamps, electronic transfers etc. The “Willie Lynch” jinx is who Black choose to spend their money with. Reality says that Blacks spend very little money with Black businesses. Blacks have enriched the profits of all other races, but have invested nothing in the development, or availability of major Black businesses, lending institutions, molls, Laundromats, Service stations, supermarkets, etc. Let’s move to self-help.


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