No Struggle, No Progress

"Flex" Day Controversy

It was an idea perhaps with good intentions, but one where the start of it, may not be so good. The Monroe City Schools Board will implement a new school concept called "Flex Day", where teachers within the District will have a day to "let teachers have more time to plan, meet with parents or work with students more intensely", according to Superintendent Brent Vidrine. It was also to be a way for the District to get a better handle on how to further address the complications and stress that is being felt from the effects of Covid-19. But not everyone is happy with the way that the program is being implemented. There have been reports of dissatisfaction among some employees and parents ranging from the selected flex day, to having a flex day at all. Supt. Vidrine said that Wednesday was the "chosen" flex day, which was ok with him because that day would not give teachers a "three day" weekend if the days chosen had been Friday or Monday. Vidrine said that with the flex day, the staff could devote it to cleaning the facilities. The pandemic continues to take a toll on schools, as some school football seasons have been cancelled. The seven-member school board seemed to agree with the superintendent by voting 7-0 to accept Wednesday as the flex day, as it will be every week for the next nine weeks where there will be evaluations done. But there appeared to be some confusion, that everyone didn't "get the memo", as some employees were left in the dark concerning meetings and a possible vote. Vidrine said that everyone was notified, that maybe all of them didn't check their emails. According to media reports, some employees did want to have Monday or Friday off, but it seemed to be clear that Vidrine wanted Wednesday. As of now, the flex day will be implemented at the elementary level, (as of press time), not across the District, Why not? If the purpose is to help all teachers in the district, it would seem to make sense that all teachers take advantage of the opportunity afforded them if it's for the benefit of them and the students. There are those who believe that the flex day push was from a concerted effort by Vidrine, that even at the last board meeting, there were "adjustments" being offered by board members to counter any potential problems that might arise over the next nine weeks. But still, the board voted for the flex day.

The apparent lack of a uniform policy for the entire district may be a stumbling block going forward because it appears that there was not enough planning done before putting the plan in action. There was the question of getting children to their schools and how the cafeteria staff will handle things, not knowing how to prepare (as of press time) for flex day. Some will want to know if the program was rushed, that there can't be different "policies" for some schools that might not want to accept the guidelines in place because of unanswered questions. But the superintendent believes that this approach is the best way forward and the board agrees with him. Wasn't it not so long ago, that there was speculation that some on the board wanted to get rid of Vidrine? He is working under a one-year contract extension now, but appears to have consolidated his power with the school board. Some may also wonder what happened and why? The Monroe Dispatch is on record in supporting our teachers in these difficult times during this pandemic. The public/community is looking for accountability from the school board, while there are those who work there want fairness.


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