No Struggle, No Progress

Trump Presidency: End of An Era

The scriptures teach us that, “pride comes before a fall”, which is a lesson that one shouldn’t place so much emphasis on themselves as someone who claims to be a “self-made” individual. There is a modern-day expression that convey that thought, which is, an individual is “full of it”. It is always about “me, myself and I,”, hardly ever about “us” or “we”, indicating that all of the credit, accolades should be showered upon that individual because he “did it” his way. Often times, an individual who takes that much pride in himself, will find no room to share any of the credit with others even after he didn’t “do it” all by himself. Nowhere else did we find those characteristics exhibited in an individual than the outgoing president, Donald Trump. That big sigh of relief that you may have heard came from the billions of people around the world, not just the U.S., that an era in this nation’s history that will be written about and not very glowingly, has come to an end. Mr. Trump may have about two months left before he will have to vacate the White House grounds, but he is about the lamest of a duck president, that there is hardly any doubt that any legislation that comes from Congress for him to sign is nil. There are no more rallies to hold, no more meetings with world leaders, as the White House has stopped announcing what is on the president’s daily schedule. It is like, the lights are on, but nobody’s home. Yes, we know that the president has vowed to fight to the end in an effort to overturn the presidential election, something that he laid the groundwork for, many months ago. No surprise there. But it was his intention to plant in the minds of his supporters and hopefully others, that if he “would lose”, that the election would have been “stolen” from him. We are seeing that being played out in real time now, even as the results indicate that Mr. Trump, in fact, did lose. Republicans are using the worn out “voter fraud” defense to support the president, putting air in a balloon that has a leak in it, which will sputter out in a little while. They continue to proclaim voter fraud to convince the president’s base, that there is still hope for a “miracle” comeback. Speaking of a miracle, there were many religious leaders who came out and said that Mr. Trump would be re-elected because “demonic forces” was out to defeat him, only that the prayers of the faithful(conservatives) would ensure the victory for the president. They never explained what/who those demonic forces were, but one guess would be, those darn Democrats. One other thing that you are not hearing concerning voter fraud, is “wide spread” voter fraud. Despite the fact that a pandemic is still raging with over 235,000 dead Americans and counting, the election went very smoothly. There is still some vote counting being done in several battleground states, but the results will not change the outcome, because Joe Biden has at last count, well over the 270 Electoral College votes to become president. The president’s last hope is in the Supreme Court. But this is not Florida 2000, as the race is all but settled, only awaiting certifications from each state of their results. The president may have gambled on a close result in the election, in that if he had lost, the Supreme Court with the 6-3 conservatives that are now in place, would overturn the result, keeping him in the White House. Sometimes, the best laid plans can…. Now Mr. Trump faces a future that may not be kind to him. He was a force within the Republican Party trying to tear down President Barack Obama and made other Republican leaders in 2016 look as though they didn’t exist, as the base “saw their man” in Donald Trump and they were convinced that he would “make America great again”. America lost much on the world’s stage as an ally, a strong leader against dictators and the “moral” high ground. Whether or not, the president will concede and congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is no big deal. The nation will move on under Biden starting in January 2021. When the Supreme Court justice tells Joe Biden “congratulations, Mr. President”, the Trump Era will be officially over. A new day will begin. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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