No Struggle, No Progress

Strength for Your Great Journey

1 Kings 19:6-7 | NKJV Then he looked, and there by his head was a cake baked on coals, and a jar of water. So, he ate and drank, and lay down again. And the angel of the Lord came back the second time, and touched him, and said, “Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you.”Beloved be not dismayed, nor overwhelmed over your circumstances or situation. You may be fatigued, exhausted, and just simply worn out. That’s when it’s time for a “refreshing”. That’s when it’s time to get some much-needed rest. Because you need Strength For Your Great Journey!!! You may have “ran” like Elijah did. And at times, like Elijah we find ourselves “Running for Our Lives”. Oh My! But when we “run” from the Problem we’ll never find the Solution. If we “run” from the Questions we’ll never know the Answers. If we’ll “run” from our Fears, we’ll never Walk by Faith. And if we “run” from the Truth we’ll be left with Living a life of lies. You will never Conquer what you refuse to Confront! And you’ll never Change what You cowardly Tolerate. Like Elijah Strengthen yourself by resting in the Lord! Arise and eat the Bread which is the Word of God. Drink of the Living Water which is the Power of The Holy Spirit! Get Strength For Your Great Journey! For the best is yet to come. You shall be victorious. You shall succeed! You may have lost a “battle” or two, but you surely Will Win the War! HALLELUJAH!!! It’s time to “recover”, “regroup” and be “restored” by God’s Presence, Power, and Provision!!! And receive...Strength for Your Great Journey!!!


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