No Struggle, No Progress

Voting Frenzy

With all the attention on the election, it is easy to get caught up in a patriotic fervor. People are posting “ I Voted” on Facebook and other sites to encourage others to do the same thing. As Blacks, we are always reminded how hard our forefathers fought for us to exercise the “Right to Vote”, and we should be reminded of that major struggle that they went through because we are fortunate enough to simply pass it on to our children and grandchildren. But will the results of our voting be a Good thing? It is obvious that no matter who wins the Presidential election, there will be chaos. With more people voting than ever, a definitive decision cannot be announced for a while, until all the votes are counted. Please be reminded that this is CLOSE race, despite what you are hearing through the media. Do not forget what happened in the last Presidential election. The country ended up with a President that some of you are trying to get rid of in November, or maybe not. There is nothing really new about this election. It appears to get worse each election year. A variety of solutions are proposed to the problems and issues which plague the world. When we look at the voting system, we can see that there is a strain on it, especially in this large Presidential race. GOOD THING: Many people are going out to the polls to vote, even if it means standing in long lines for hours and hours. This is understandable because everyone wants his candidate to win. They believe that their lives will be so much better with their choice. Now, more than ever, these United States are referenced as the Red and the Blue states, which we have always known as the Republican (Red) and the Democratic (Blue) states in one UNITED body of states. The division is so apparent that lifelong friendships have been affected. Of all the past presidents that we have been Blessed to have, none of them divided the two parties as strongly as the current president. Unfortunately, many people do not make up their own minds and draw the line at some point of division, they act as racists. Overt racism is practiced by many people who live in Red states because they feel comfortable in having the support of the current president. BAD THING: When the final victorious Presidential announcement is made, the reactions are going to be in conflict… win or lose, somebody is not going to accept the announcement. And that is when we will all see the GOOD…the BAD… and the UGLY.


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