No Struggle, No Progress
A Better Quality of Life- I want to share my testimony and hope that this will help someone else. To have a testimony you must witness God's grace, mercy and His faithfulness. He has so much to give us and we must be willing participants to receive it. Being bound and addicted to food, my weight was at all time high of 432 lbs. at the age of 65. I had to nowhere to turn but to God. He paid the ultimate price for us at the cross, and I realized that I had to give up something too. Before I lost weight, I was not able to sit in a chair without the fear of breaking it, I was not able to climb the stairs at my job, and agonizing pain from my knees was felt daily. I could not tie my own shoes or even cross my legs. I was always uncomfortable and could not sleep without a sleep apnea machine. Driving in a car was exceedingly difficult as well, but with God's Grace I endured it all. I was approved for a total knee replacement, in October of 2019 and after rehab I was able to walk without limping, ride an exercise bike and do all those things that I could not before. I have been a member of a 21-day health and nutrition program that focuses on foods that are healthy and how to eat them without adding pills, powders or potions to assist in your weight loss. It also focuses on how to exercise and how much is needed to aid in weight loss. From 2016 to present, I have released a total of 201.4lbs. God rewarded my faithfulness by allowing all of that to happen to me. I no longer have sleep apnea and I am no longer taking blood pressure medications. It really feels good to be able to cross my legs now. You have a choice to choose life and have it more abundantly, the way God wants us or you can be a victim and succumb to an unhealthy lifestyle. To God be the glory for the things He has done and will continue to do in my life. I sincerely appreciate Mrs. Helen Allen Jackson for the New Thinking No Excuses Program and allowing me to be honest with myself and lose the weight.
Photo The new Judy Wilson 44 pg 1
Photo Judy Wilson before New Thinking No Excuses 33 Jump page
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