No Struggle, No Progress

Another Reason to Vote Blue

By Eddie D. Gillis

As if Democrats and Independents need another reason to send President Trump back to Florida for a permanent retirement, what he said about the nation’s soldiers should seal the deal. There is a reported story in the media where the president refers to the nation’s soldiers as “suckers and losers”. Of course, the president has denied he said those words, but one of the words that the president likes to use when he describes his opponents is, you guessed it, is “losers”. Tweet after tweet from the president has him using the word loser to show his opponents as weak, not being smart and can’t get the job done. So, if one was to say that the president did refer to the nation’s soldiers as “suckers”, that person need look no further when he allegedly said that war veteran John McCain “was no hero because he got captured” when McCain served in the Vietnam War. Strangely enough, the president was supported by many veterans then even though he has said appalling things about veterans since then. He allegedly said that a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa “knew what he was getting into” to his widow in a phone call on her way to receive his remains and said to John Kelly, his Chief of Staff, that he “didn’t get it” about the deaths of Kelly’s son and others who were killed in action years earlier. There are at least four “credible” sources who have spoken on the record anonymously that the president did in fact say what he was alleged of saying, that a Fox News reporter said that her sources were indeed credible. It was bad for the president that he wanted Fox News to fire their reporter because she was reporting the same story as her liberal colleagues.

However, it points to something troubling about a president who is the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, can send these men/women off to war, could think so little of them. Imagine if Barack Obama or any Democrat said that about the men/women in uniform, there would be an uproar from the right led by none other than Donald Trump. But as usual, the president’s allies would want the public to disregard those comments because the Democrats “are out to get him”, as this is an election year. You can go a step further by saying that president, Mr. Trump is dishonoring the flag for which they all fight. Right wing media voices had no problem condemning Black athletes for taking a knee in protest against police brutality that they tried to frame as being disrespectful to both the flag and the people in the military. If it was offensive and degrading because people of color exercised their right to protest, then as the Commander-in Chief who represents the flag, but can allegedly call our soldiers “suckers and losers”, should be held in the highest contempt. Nonetheless this is Trump’s Republican Party that he has changed, even as he is trying to change a whole nation to his way of thinking.

The president’s “former fixer” Michael Cohn has a book out that allegedly lays out just what kind of man the president is. There is hardly any difference between the two phases of President Trump, as Cohn has called him a liar, conman, cheat, racist and other terms that the president usually has reserved for his opponents. Imagine how the U.S. allies must think of the president when they hear of him calling the nation’s defenders of war and protectors of peace around the world “losers and suckers”. Can anyone ever recall a president anywhere in this nation’s history calling the soldiers that he has command over, losers and suckers? It is unheard of. Maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back if Democrats use this latest tirade against our military institution in campaign all the way to election day. The president has given Democrats plenty of ammunition to use just by using the president’s own words. They don’t have to make anything up. They can start with one of the first lies that president has told. He said that Mexico would build the wall. They can ask the president where are the receipts for payments on the wall. The president is already denying that he said anything degrading about our soldiers. That is also a lie. There is a record of what the president has said on video/audio. All Democrats have to do is hit the playback button. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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