No Struggle, No Progress
*Inspired by God through Mary Roggerson & Morning Prayer Ministries
under the leadership of Pastor Kenneth Nolley, St. Mary Baptist Church
Purpose: For all children to learn, pray and confess the Word of God.
Goal: For all children to have an intimate relationship with God through prayer & His Word.
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Romans 12:11
Prayer: Lord God, thank You for giving me life and strength. I give my life to You as a living sacrifice. Help me always to serve You wholeheartedly and enthusiastically out of love and thanksgiving.
Confession: I will never be lazy in my work but will serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Wednesday and Thursday
Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer. Romans 12:12
Prayer: Father, Your love gives me strength, joy, peace, and confidence. I gladly rejoice in hope for You are my hope. I will be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation because my complete trust is in You. It gives me great peace to be in constant prayer with You. Lord, I know You are always with me. Thank You for Your Spirit.
Confession: I rejoice in hope. I am patient in tribulation. I pray continually.
Friday and Saturday
Distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. Romans 12:13
Prayer: Father, I give You all praise and glory. Thank You for blessing me to give to the needs of Your people. Help me to be ready and eager at all times to practice hospitality. May my life be a witness of Christ’s love and compassion.
Confession: I give to the needs of God’s people. I am always eager to practice hospitality.
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