No Struggle, No Progress

Police Chief Musical Chairs

There is something that is going on in the search for a new Monroe Police Chief that may be perplexing to some. In the span of over three years, the city has gone through two police chiefs (three if you count Chief Holmes' retirement), and a fourth is on the horizon. Who the next police chief will be is anyone’s guess, but it would appear that someone wants a “certain” individual in the chief’s chair and the three individuals that have taken the exam, do not fit the bill. Charles Johnson, Thomas Rhodes, and former interim chief Reggie Brown have qualified with passing scores to at least have an interview with Mayor Friday Ellis, but the mayor was able to get the Monroe Civil Service Board to open up the exam again so individuals that did not take the exam when it was offered, will now take a supplement exam. Ellis tried to put the first exam on hold so those that did not put their hat in the ring could, but the MCSB rejected the mayor, saying that would have been unfair to Johnson, Rhodes, and Brown. Now that another exam will be offered, it will be interesting to see who will submit their names now that Jamie Mayo is no longer mayor. Fire Department board member Vic Harris and I seem to share the same sentiments in that we both said that those who did not submit their names “made” a bad decision, and they should not be given an extra opportunity as it is unfair to the applicants who passed the exam. Harris also may have given Mayor Ellis some unsolicited advice when he said, “They made a bad decision [not to take the exam], and they should not be the chief if they make bad decisions.”

Mayor Ellis has said that the city “deserves a broader search” to get a truly diverse pool of candidates and to also “expand” the search. Some may ask if that was done the first time, as the mayor’s comments may indicate that was not the case. Ellis said that what he is doing is “not a reflection” on Johnson, Rhodes, and Brown, but he wants to “attract and hire” the very best police chief for Monroe. It appears that Reggie Brown will not be “the best” police chief for Ellis, as the mayor has relieved Brown of his position and replaced him with the man whom Brown replaced.

Retired police chief Eugene Ellis is back in the chief’s seat, as Mayor Ellis believes that Chief Ellis is best in the interim, over other officers who could have been selected temporarily. But that is one of the perks that come with being the mayor. Ellis said that crime is the main issue that the next chief will have to address as local companies “struggle” to attract people to the city since it is their “No.1” concern. Ellis believes that that individual is out there and that he/she should have the opportunity to come in and make a dent in crime here in Monroe. It is worth mentioning that four other individuals were slated to take the exam(one opted out), which reveals that whoever wanted to be considered for the police chief position, was given the opportunity. The Civil Service Board does not determine who takes the exam, but rather an individual's decision on whether they would take the exam. Whether it was 3 or 12 applicants, there was a window of time given, and the Board accepted all that applied. As things stand now, the citizens of Monroe may know who their chief of police will be, perhaps by the end of the year. As of now, it is one “interim” replacing the other. But to others, it may seem to be a game of musical chairs.


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