No Struggle, No Progress

Flying Objects

Nowadays, all kinds of things can become a dangerous weapon in the hands of those who's intentions are to harm. What's more unfortunate is when anger grows between two who once shared their love and admiration for one another. What happens when love isn't always enough? Sometimes, it becomes violent. According to police reports, a domestic dispute occurred , on Thursday, August 8, 2020, after they were flagged down while patrolling an area neighborhood. The victim claimed that things got heated moments earlier. It was shared that the suspect, Porsha Vandiver, threw a barbecue grill at her in attempts to strike her. The victim told police that she was able to dodge the grill but was then chased by her partner who eventually caught her and proceeded to choke her. The victim said she had to fight Vandiver off but hurt her wrist in the process. After receiving the victim's statement, officers spoke with Vandiver who admitted to the choking. She was then transported to OCC and charged with battery of a dating partner. There are three sides to every story. This was one side of this story. The Monroe Dispatch welcomes another or the other side of this story.

Photo Porsha Vandiver


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