No Struggle, No Progress

Age Too Old To Be President?

Voters have a really easy choice to make in this year’s presidential election. Probably well over 90% of voters know who they will vote for, as the only question left is who will win. In one corner is the incumbent President Trump and in the other corner is Democrat Joe Biden. The bell in this contest sounded a long time ago, as each man appeals to their base, but also to the so-called undecided voters. The president will run on his record as will Biden when he was a Senator and as the vice president under former president Barack Obama. One thing is certain and that is both men will be old by our standards when one of them takes the oath of president in January 2021. The age of the two men has taken on some life even before they give their acceptance speeches later this year to their respective parties. President Trump made being fit an issue back in 2015 when he said that Republican challengers and later his opponent Hillary Clinton, “had no stamina” to take on the tough grueling job of being president. No one paid much attention then, but now that is all Republicans and President Trump want to talk about.

A little back President Trump took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test and later boasted about how he “passed” with flying colors. Trump also said that the “doctors were amazed” because he did so well. Somehow just because the president “passed” the test, as he seems to think that only brilliant people or “stable geniuses” are the only ones who can pass such a test. Thinking that he may have an edge with the voters in November, the president is challenging Biden to take the test. However, Biden isn’t swallowing the bait. The president and his supporters want to use the cognitive test as a litmus test on Biden to see if he is mentally, not physically fit to serve as president because he like Trump is in his 70s. The test used by doctors to determine/detect early signs of Alzheimer’s. the test is not difficult to take, but it can be difficult for those who may be suffering cognitive decline in that they may not be able to perceive things due to a decline in their faculties.

The president has made some missteps in some instances that have called into question whether he is having cognitive decline. The president has had what appeared to be times when he slurred his speech, or having difficulty with certain words. It wasn’t long ago where the president was seen very slowly walking down a ramp, as if he needed assistance. Then there was the time when he used(needed?) two hands to drink water. Of course, the public will never know what the doctors tell him, meaning we will have to take his word for his health. What’s the president’s famous saying when in doubt, -“trust me”. The president at this stage is running out other ways to slow Biden down as the polls continue to give Biden the lead. Father time has a way of slowing all of us down, but one old man calling another old man “old” is like the pot calling the skillet black. The voters will decide as it should be. Have you noticed that Biden has not called Trump old? Says something about character. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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