No Struggle, No Progress

No End in Sight For COVID-19

Whenever COVID-19, the coronavirus that has almost brought the world to a standstill finally goes away, the U.S. will have lost its standing as a nation combating pandemics. As other nations get somewhat of “a handle” on slowing down the virus, we are usually where they are or ahead, the U.S. is looking as though the nation is stuck in quicksand. It seems as though the more this nation races to fully reopen, the more it plunges back into a hole that is met with more reported cases/deaths. We’re told that the more one struggles in quicksand, the faster one sinks. That’s what happening now, as the president and his supporters/base continue to push for things to get back to normal before it is time. That was already proven back around Memorial Day when states ran by Republicans governors gladly followed the urging of President Trump to jump start the economy by ignoring commonsense measures put in place to slow the progression of the virus. Remember, this is the president who said all along that the virus “was a hoax”, that it would “be gone” when the weather got warmer and not long ago, said that disinfectants in the body and a drug used to treat malaria was the “wonder drug” against COVID-19. However, the best laid plan of mice and men can sometime go astray, as the Trump administration appeared not to take the virus seriously until it was way too late. About 155,000 people late as of this article.

We know that the president is not “a stable genius” as he likes to tell us on occasion, but give him credit he did employ people (Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx) who are geniuses when it comes to fighting infectious diseases. Nevertheless, as the old saying goes, “you can’t have two cooks in the kitchen”, before it wasn’t too long before the fake genius wanted to tell the real geniuses how to do their jobs and what to say. The president would take the lead if there was just a smattering of good news proclaiming “what he had done”, only to throw anyone including Fauci and now Birx under the bus as the numbers became worse. To illustrate, just recently Dr. Fauci testified before a Democrat led House committee about how Europe had done so much better at combatting and winning against the virus. They have problems still, but not at the extent that this nation does. Fauci simply spoke a truth that President Trump and Republicans don’t want to hear, but that they know is true. Fauci said that the European countries that took the virus seriously after seeing the mounting deaths, went into a 95% shutdown of their nation, mandating that people stay inside, no congregating and wear masks. Those orders weren’t met with open arms, but it seems to have paid off. When Fauci said that the U.S. only got to 50% of shutdown, President Trump strongly criticized Fauci saying, that there are “more cases before we do more testing”. The president also said that, “if there were no or bad testing, we would show very few cases”. Key word “very”.

So, the president is saying “little testing, little cases”, would show that this nation is not as sick as the fake news media often portrays. Don’t believe the “fake anything” if the news doesn’t come from Fox and conservative media to which he knows his base listens. Ever notice the conservative media and the president hardly mention the number of people who have died and of those who are projected to die? But they criticize the doctors when the news is not good. The number of cases continue to climb, because the number of people continue to become infected. They will talk about “your freedom” to not wear a mask, not about flattening the curve. They won’t mention the overcrowding of hospitals and in some cases, refrigerated trucks to store dead bodies because morgues are overrun. We are not hearing about what may become “death panels” put in place by some medical communities who will decide who will live and who will die. Republicans criticized President Obama when he proposed the ACA, saying that “grandma” would die because someone behind a desk in Washington would decide on her health needs. Republicans are quiet because Trump is the president. History will record that President Trump failed to take the pandemic seriously, did not centralize a proper response from Washington, left states to fend for themselves (equipment, etc.) and played golf while Rome burned. The virus will pass on. Only God knows when. Listen to your doctor. Stay safe. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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