No Struggle, No Progress

COVID-19 Takes Mother and Son

The Parson and Jackson families of Monroe, LA have been hit with great loss since the passing of two of their family members. Mother and son, Angela Parson-Jackson and Ernest Parson, succumbed to COVID-19 just two days apart on Saturday, August 1 and Monday, August 3.

Ernest Parson passed away first on Saturday, August 1, after contracting COVID-19 and pneumonia. Before taking ill, Earnest could be found working hard at St. Francis Medical Center and Office Depot. He will be remembered as a gentle giant, who always had love for all.

They have left many to cherish their memory including a brother and uncle, Tyrone Parson, who had a very special relationship with his sister and nephew. Tyrone admits this has been rough past few days for him. "They were both two people who were just so kind and special. My sister sent out inspirational texts to 40-50 everyday. She was my best friend, closer to me than my mother because we both looked out for one another." Tyrone Parson said. He shared a close relationship with nephew too, who died on his actual birthday. Angela who had been employed at GB Cooley for over 2 decades contracted the virus from a co-worker. She initially just thought she was having severe headaches but her condition worsened so she went to see her doctor who tested her for COVID-19. It was also discovered that she also had pneumonia and then began having breathing problems.

"I just remember seeing her walk out her home one her own strength, but within a few days she had to be connected to machines helping her to breathe." Tyrone said. His nephew Ernest's fate was similar, beginning with complaints of feeling dehydrated. He developed pneumonia and other respiratory issues. Despite the sadness in his heart Tyrone felt compelled to share his story of grief, so that others could understand that the virus was indeed real. "This stuff is real. To see two loving people practically suffocating, then die really hurts me." Tyrone shared. Please pray for the Parson and Jackson families. See their obituaries on pg. 6.


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