No Struggle, No Progress

Trump Going Down for Third Time

President Donald Trump sometimes likes to boast about his “robust” support from the black community and about what he “has done” for the black community. The president has black Americans like Herman Cain (has the virus) Diamond and Silk, Ben Carson and others who are on the president’s band wagon, but nowhere near the support that he claims, or would love to have. Maybe not enough black people have drunk the Kool-Aid. But the president has no problem directing his ire toward certain black individuals such as Kolin Kaepernick when it suits his purpose. That is to further divide the nation along race while maintaining the support of his base in states that he has to win in the 2020 presidential election. Trump is not pleased with his standing in the current polls that shows him losing badly to Joe Biden, leaving him no alternative but to play the race card. It worked for a while with Kaepernick, but the death of George Floyd changed all of that. The president could not bring himself to say that the white police officer could have handled Floyd’s arrest differently when Floyd was on the ground begging for his life. Even the president would not say, that what the world witnessed, was not a hoax or fake news. As a leader who prides himself as being a “friend” to the black race, the president showing his lack of empathy, could not agree with the protesters that Floyd was murdered. Now the president is going after another prominent black athlete, NASCAR’s only black driver, Bubba Wallace.

It was brought to Wallace’s attention several weeks ago, that a noose like object was found in the race stall assigned to him at the beginning of a race. Wallace didn’t find the “noose’, but another individual, as Wallace reported it to NASCAR officials. At that time the incident was treated as a possible hate crime and was investigated. It was later determined that the object was not a noose, but was a “garage pull down” used to close the doors. Wallace, understandably was worried because he had just led a campaign to have confederate objects banned from NASCAR races. Imagine the fear being the only black driver on the circuit driving in the South in a time of racial unrest. Wallace had the support of his fellow drivers and others that follow NASCAR. Even when the FBI closed the case and Wallace showed his relief and thanks to those who supported him, it was not enough for President Trump. So, what does the president do? He attacks Wallace for a fake story or a hoax that he claims Wallace is guilty of.

President Trump IS NOT talking about the issues he should be confronting as president, but using issues like police brutality and confederate monuments to divide, while over 130,000 Americans have died on his watch. He doesn’t talk about people who work close to him that have the virus, or “Bountygate” with the Russians and giving relief to millions of Americans who are suffering economically from COVID-19. That would be too much like doing his job. He is only concerned about winning in November, but it appears that he is going down for the third time. No one is throwing the president a life preserver. He’s been losing lately at the Supreme Court. Now, another “tell-all” book is set to come out where the nation/world will find out things about Trump that were already suspected of him. In many ways the president is like a drowning man where he went too far off the deep end. We’re told that a person drowns when they panic. The president has long pushed the panic button and he is holding on for his political life. His life line appears to be just a tad short. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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