No Struggle, No Progress

Men & Women Lie Numbers Don't.

Before making a substantial purchase, I always do a thorough assessment of a product. My first assessment is to check reviews for the product in question. In some cases, reviews are subjective, meaning they can be influenced by one's personal feelings, tastes, and opinions. Plainly put, one could write a good or bad review depending on the day, how they are feeling, or based on what they thought they would get, not what something actually is. Other reviews may be objective, meaning they are based on evidence that can be proven as facts or something that is observed through an unbiased lens with no personal feelings. See, reviews come in handy, but I understand that I have to read through many to get a full understanding of what I would get. Now l also do some digging to uncover more info about a product. In the past, before I've used something, I checked - what ingredients are used to make it, from what country it is manufactured, and what type of testing has been done before it has hit the shelves. When it comes down to it, I like to lastly consider how many of these items have been sold, after all, one will only spend their money on things that are reliable and proven results. I am supporting Mayor Jamie Mayo and his bid for re-election because I believe he is the best candidate for the job. He has led the city of Monroe, managing a budget of tens of millions of dollars, worked to create a surplus of over $10 million, completed many mandated federal policies, worked with businesses to strengthen cooperative opportunities, and supported local initiatives beyond partisan lines. Additionally, I have seen his selfless work off the clock in cases where he provided unlimited support to those during and after many natural disasters, attended and supported many after-hours projects, and created opportunities for youth and many others throughout the city. Men lie. Women lie. Numbers don't.


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