No Struggle, No Progress

Change – Not So Fast

2020 will be remembered as the year of COVID-19. May I remind you to practice Social Distancing, wear a mask, and wash your hands often (at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap). 2020 is also an election year. This is the time when we often hear the chant, CHANGE, CHANGE, IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE. I say, not so fast. I suggest that change for the sake of change is not good. This is true when we speak about the Mayor of Monroe. Jamie Mayo is the Mayor of Monroe. We the voters of Monroe elected him. Jamie has served the City of Monroe well. However, the job is not complete. He is asking us to re-elect him to another term. So, before you implement a change, ask yourself what do I expect from my Mayor? What should my Mayor bring to the office? For me, my Mayor should be Spirit lead. He should have a Skill set in Finance, Leadership, and Management. He is well educated, and he has demonstrated a willingness to serve the people. Honesty, Integrity, Professionalism, and Transparency are all tools in his tool belt. Mayor Jamie Mayo checks all the boxes. Now, take a look at the other candidates. You be the judge and I think that you will agree. Jamie is the man to be re-elected as Mayor of Monroe. He is not perfect. None of us are. Still, he is perfectly capable of leading the City of Monroe for the next four (4) years. This election requires us to look hard at our candidates. Ask the hard questions. Today and tomorrow, we are and we will be faced with COVID-19, Systemic Racism, Police Brutality, and many other challenges. COVID-19 is showing us the type of leadership we have at the Presidential level, at the State level, and at the City level. Leaders in leadership roles must be caring, compassionate, and committed. Above all, they must lead. Jamie Mayo is a Leader. Early voting ends July 4, 2020. Election Day is Saturday July 11, 2020. Go to the polls and vote. Vote #89 - Jamie Mayo, Mayor of Monroe


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