No Struggle, No Progress

Don't Let Monroe Tumble

Do you not realize that our city cannot afford to let the walls stop? Walls give the illusion of safety, for some a false sense of security. Some people barricade themselves behind the walls: the walls of shame and guilt, and are troubled by things beyond their control. Like Jericho's walls, they can keep in and keep out. Mayor Mayo, don't let the walls stop you from receiving the joy and blessings of God. Face your walls like Joshua faced the wall of Jericho with purpose, preparation and persistence. These 3P's are the good traits of our great mayor. God had promised Joshua that Jericho was already delivered into His hands; the enemy was already defeated! God has also given us the assurance that nothing can be able to separate us from the love of God revealed in Christ. For, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Mayor Mayo, you fight many battles daily in your life. As difficult as they may seem, and strong as Satan, the enemy may appear to be, the war has already been won. Satan has already been defeated by Christ. "But the Son of God came to destroy these works of the devil." In Christ, you have already overcome the wall of Satan. "Don't let the walls stop YOU!" Your supporters will march around with you in promoting the growth of our great city. The wall is a symbol of opposition and difficulties placed in the path of God's people that must be overcome in achieving His expressed will for their lives. Whatever hindrance is placed in your path on your journey in living out your realized dream is indeed a wall – a symbol of Satan's invincibility- insignificant before the presence of the almighty God we serve. You do not have to be paralyzed by the power of a defeated enemy. You can overcome Satan and his walls of opposition through the power of the Risen Christ. Voters, examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Take a Self -Evaluation. Check the Success of Our City Before Your Wreck Our City.

Mayor James E. "Jamie" Mayo

1. As citizens, we know what we have as mayor.

2. Knowledgeable, competent, educated, dedicated and motivated

3. 28 years of experience in government

4. Proven leadership skills

5. College Graduate in Business

6. Creditable Success All Over the City

Opponents – "Examine Yourself"

1. Truly don't know what we are getting

2. Lack the knowledge to move the city in the right direction

3. ZERO experience in government. Don't need an experimentation mayor.

4. No leadership skills

5. Lacking college degree or a degree in business

6. No Creditable Success Made to the City

A Note to Our Voters: The opponents have not seized upon the opportunity to lead. Experience is not measuring up to our current mayor's standards. So, let it go so you can grow. Watch Out! The devil might be leading you astray. Stay in tune with God and let the Holy Spirit be your guide.





Photo -Mayor Jamie Mayo

Photo Gwendolyn Dickson


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