No Struggle, No Progress

City Hall News

Members of the Monroe City Council passed several resolutions Tuesday(June 23) night, one of which that may impact the city in a way that it doesn’t want. Council members passed a resolution that grant an exception to the Open Container Ordinance for 2 Dudes Brew & Que to sponsor a block party in the downtown area. It will be an open atmosphere event where there is expected to be a crowd where close contact will be possible. Though officers will be present, Council Chairwoman Juanita Woods expressed caution, saying that she “hoped that those participating in the event will exercise Social distancing restraints. “Safety is of the upmost concern, even though this is an outdoor event”, said Woods. Woods was not alone in her assessments as Mayor Jamie Mayo repeated several comments that he made at his press briefing earlier in the day. Mayo said that he, like Gov. John Bel Edwards “is concerned” that not enough people are wearing masks and practing social distancing around the city. “That is not good”, said Mayo. “Too many people are not adhering to the measures in place, as people are dying”, added the mayor. Mayo mentioned the stress and long hours that health care workers are under as they care for the sick, saying that people “can do things” that can help save lives.

Council members also passed a resolution authorizing Mayor Mayo to enter into a professional service agreement with Land 3 Architect Inc ,. for storm damage repairs to the city’s property currently being occupied at the DMV Building located near the regional airport. The city had previously advertise for bids to do the work at the building. Council proceedings moved another step to normalcy Tuesday when Council Chairwoman Woods announced the re-installing of the public participation period. That occurs after items on the agenda have concluded and members of the public get their opportunity to speak on issues of varying concerns. The process will be the same as before with a three minute time limit for participants to express their concerns.


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