No Struggle, No Progress

Remove Symbols of Racism, Nation Wide

America’s past and present is one of oppression, aggression, disease, darkness and death. America’s legacy speaks to the massacre and exploitation of native Americans, the confiscation of their lands, heritage, culture and identity. America’s evil racism against native Americans still exist through reservations, US constitutional denial, unequal governance, treaties violations, theft of natural resources, as well as environmental racism. The white lead American government has also been deemed guilty of exploitation and mistreatment of Asian Americans, who were also subjected to hard labor, little or no pay, and concentration camps. America’s government is nothing but evil and abusive against South Americans of Hispanic and Mexican origins. His economic, criminal justice, and police racism, that have existed from the 1600s to 2020. The unmerciful torture and death the above entities have exacted against black Americans, the innocent black blood they have shed, the hangings, burnings, murders, rapes, incarcerations, discrimination, prejudice, lies, targeting, arrests, convictions, harsh sentencing, and impoverishment, America’s white led government has compounded upon black Americans is God’s evidence for judgment and punish. Remove Symbols of Racism, Nation Wide panic Americans are treated as bad as black African Americans. They too are victims of poverty, high unemployment, poor education, housing, health care, and community conditions. Donald Trump has characterized Hispanics as murderers, rapists, robbers, and other degrading names, closed the borders between North and South America immigration, and slowed their path to citizenship. Trump has ignored the fact that all of the Americas, both North and South, belong to Native/Hispanic Americans who are at home on either side of the border. Every other nationality in America (whites, black, Asians, etc.) are of foreign origin. America’s worst and most horrific sins have been exercised against black Americans from slavery, to Jim Crowism, to Ku Klux Klan, to institutional, educational, against America. It is a time of reckoning for America, and the removal of all its evil symbols, statues, memorials, markings, monuments, practices, codes, facilities, songs, flags, and other satanic instruments. All states, parishes, counties, cities, towns, villages, school boards, police Juries, universities and schools, and public places should remove these idol gods. Vote.


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