No Struggle, No Progress

Church "No", Golf "Yes"

All the president had to do was say, “I may play a little golf the weekend”, and everything may have been all right. It might have gone over better if he had said, “See you in church Sunday”. Well, I out of 2 is not bad. I guess. Someone in the White House is not telling President Trump how to make himself “look presidential” in the midst of a pandemic that may cost him a return trip to the White House in November. Every president will be remembered for something that will be with voters long after he is gone. Jimmy Carter’s “I have sinned in my heart”, Ronald Reagan’s “We begin bombing in five minutes”, Bush the elder “Read My lips. No new taxes”, Bill Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman”, Bush “Junior’s”, Mission Accomplished” banner and Barak Obama’s “We have killed Osama bin Laden” help define a president. President Trump has six months left in his inaugural presidency, and so many things stand out. The one that will stand among the most outrageous things that Mr. Trump has said, is that “as president, he wouldn’t have time for golfing. Too busy”. It’s one thing to say it, but to be caught on video playing golf more than any modern-day president and still not fess up, shows the height of hypocrisy. Those who support the president apparently see nothing wrong with him criticizing President Obama relentlessly for playing golf doing the Ebola virus incident, but are once again quiet while the president plays golf during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two people died during Ebola, but listening to Trump, one would think the death toll was in the millions. But there was President Trump playing golf the weekend, while at the same time “demanding” that churches be open all across America on Sunday morning. It didn’t happen Easter Sunday, so why not try for Memorial Day weekend. Only thing, Mr. Trump wasn’t in church last Sunday.

The president argued that churches “are essential” just as grocery stores and drug stores. But he wasn’t in church. He has plenty of company from political and religious supporters who look past that little detail. The president is not known for any religious views as they relate to the scriptures, nor has the president ever quoted a single verse of scripture from memory. Nor has he been known to cite any “religious experiences” about anything personal that “tested” his faith in God. But many evangelicals support him despite his demeaning words about anyone he sees as an enemy. There’s a scripture about praying for your enemies that seems to be alien to Mr. Trump. The “elect” will not be deceived. But Mr. Trump is in “survival mode” as the odds of him losing in November are becoming more real with each passing day. Mr. Trump is playing(gambling)on the prospect that a vaccine will be developed with any kind of success rate to drastically decrease the COVID infection, so that he may have a reasonable chance to win reelection. However the president is running out of time.

Even if the COVID rate does decrease, President Trump has to run on his record. He has not replaced Obamacare with anything, though he keeps saying he has a plan. The economy will “soar” in 2021, the president says, but the voters will have “to trust him”, as he “makes America” great once again. Fool me once. Fool me twice? Being out there on the golf course and tweeting when he should be in briefings and taking his case to the voters would be a better course of action. Talking about voter fraud when there is none, and bringing up “Deep State” alleged conspiracies without offering evidence, only plays to his base. He can blame President Obama so many times, to the point that even his ardent supporters will have to ask the president to show some substance/plans that can “restore” America. Nevertheless it appears that the president has none. Look for President Trump to play golf more now that did what he wanted to do, and his base is right there with him. Perhaps they refuse to see the hypocrisy in Mr. Trump criticizing Mr. Obama for playing way less golf than the current president. And yes, 100,000 Americans and counting did not die on his watch. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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