No Struggle, No Progress

Keep it Fresh

We always seek to eat fresh things. When we reach for an apple at the grocery store, we always feel around to make sure we grab one that isn’t bruised or spoiled. Processed foods, including canned foods, crackers, juices, cured meats, and breads also come with “use-by” dates stamped on them. Most foods either mold or taste horrible if you try to eat them after the expiration date. Not only do expired goods taste awful, but they can also make us extremely ill. On the other hand, some foods will keep well if they are preserved or kept frozen, but the taste and freshness dissipate with time.

Like the foods we eat, some experiences and opportunities only come available during a certain period in our lives. They can also expire if we do not take advantage of them when the time is right. The right timing is most often never ideal for us and requires considerable effort on our part. The fun part is getting the rewards and benefits of experience.

There are certain times of the year that make me feel very nostalgic, and the beginning of the summer is one of them. The start of each summer season has always organically birthed its own motto or sentiments of what one should gain and reflect for the remainder of that year.

This year I remain excited about all the things that I worked to establish in 2019. I walk into the summer season, acknowledging certain things in my life that may have upcoming expiration dates, so I optimistically seek changes that will make me better and prepare me for what is to come.

Take inventory of things that will be expiring soon for you. Is it something you can put in the freezer to preserve a little longer, or will you have to cut your losses?


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