No Struggle, No Progress

The End Is Near

But the End of all things are at hand; be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. (Peter 4:7) In these last days God has provided multiple opportunities for man to repent of their sins, and keep covenant relationship with him, but man has constantly refused his calling. Now we are at the point where we must choose the way of life, or the way of death and eternal damnation. By choosing life, man will repent and accept God's ways and his will for his life and be led in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. (Psalm 23:3) Well Bless God! In choosing death God 's will, and ways are rejected. Continuing to follow Satan in disobeying parents, lying, stealing, killing, being envious, hating one another, adulterers, homosexual, fornication, all these stink in God's nostrils. Ask God to free you from these bondages. Cast your cares upon him, he cares for you. (1Peter 5: 6 - 9 ) ( 1Peter 4: 17-19 ) Well Bless God! Superintendent, Henry Davison


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