No Struggle, No Progress

Bryant's Addition Reunion

The Bryant's Addition Reunion was a gathering of guys who grew up around Johnson Community Center in Monroe LA and those who attended Richwood and Carroll High School. These young men now old schoolers reminisced, laughed, and ragged each other about the old days under Mr. Robert Carter, Legendary Coach Mackie Freeze and the late Coach Dorth Blade. They all grew up in the same neighborhood and fifty years later got together and celebrated the best of times of the 1960's and 1970's broke bread together on one accord. It was a monumental occasion blessed by the Lord. Memories never spoil or ever get old!

Photo Bryant's Addition -Rev. Delles Howell moderated the reunion.

Photo Bryant's Addition 1- Mr. Robert Carter helped these boys grow as men.

Photo Bryants Addition 2-Attending the Bryant's Addition Reunion was Elroy Smith, Earl Powell, Rev. Delles Howell, Larry Wright, DeLane Jackson, Lawrence Saucer, Rubin Jones, Wilbert Williams, Murphy Reed, the late Don Zimmerman, Charlie Smith, Mr. Robert Carter, Lamart Smith and Jonathan Williams.


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