No Struggle, No Progress

COVID-19 In White House; What's Next?

By Eddie D. Gillis

You knew it was only a matter of time. President Donald Trump has spent the better part of 2020 downplaying the seriousness of COVID-19, aka the coronavirus, telling Americans that basically, they had nothing to worry about. Even when the virus struck the state of Washington early in the year, the Trump took a “wait and see” attitude before addressing the public with any contingency if the virus started to spread. It did. Statements from the White House that “they” had the virus “contained”, was only a “stick of dynamite” with a very short fuse just waiting to explode. And explode it did. The Trump administration was warned in time before the virus rapidly spread to other sections of the nation as the number of cases began to increase followed by a gradual increase in the number of people that succumbed to the disease. Now, over 80,000 and counting, Americans have died just from the virus, not taking into account people dying from other related means. The White House “got into” the game late according to CDC officials, and now the president is coming in as a relief pitcher, instead of being a “starter”, as evident by his response for needed game changing equipment/resources for the states. The coronavirus has turned everyone’s life upside down following the changes and adjustments that leading infection disease doctors say can mitigate or flatten the trajectory of the disease, and hopefully it will soon be a thing of the past. Yes, there is still hope, even as the virus invades the White House.

One of the things that doctors stresses is for people to wash their hands, keep a reasonable distance around others and wear a mask to help prevent the spread of the disease. That seems to be a common sense request because after all, in times like these, your doctor is “your best friend” to help you feel better. But the nation is bitterly divided over even wearing a mask. One reason probably is because we don’t see enough leaders politically or religious, wearing a mask in public. Perhaps a sizeable portion of the populace feel that if my leader doesn’t see a reason to wear a mask, why should I. No where do we see that more than in the White House. President Trump absolutely will not don (pun intended) a mask, nor until a few days ago, neither did VP Mike Pence. Are they trying to project an aura of invincibility, or are they afraid that wearing a mask would make them look “weak” or frail? Ever notice when the president is in a photo-op with a group, just how close they are, and no one wears a mask? VP Pence goes to a hospital to visit sick people, and everyone around him has a mask on, but not him. The president goes to a factory where masks are made, but he is not seen, nor are there any pictures of him wearing a mask, even if it would send a message to the American people, that yes, it is ok to wear a mask. Missed opportunity to show leadership.

Now, the COVID-19 has made it’s way into the White House. People that are in close contact with the president and the vice president have tested positive for the virus, including some in the Secret Service. VP Pence is reportedly self-isolating, while the president maintains that he is “fine”. The president says that “everybody” is tested constantly, though testing may be ramped up. The president wants the nation to soon reopen to “get the economy going” which will increase his re-election chances. Nonetheless the president wants to have rallies and yes, hold the Republican Party Convention where he will be coronated as the nominee. He wants to be back in the limelight, the focus on him looking presidential, not having a thought on the COVID-19 pandemic. He already has said that he “takes no responsibility” for what has happened, but he is ready to put the blame on the governors, especially the Democratic state governors. The next six months are crucial for the president, as it all depends on the coronavirus being in the rearview mirror, or still an uphill climb with no sign of the top of the hill. Remember, the world is watching. So is God.


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