No Struggle, No Progress

Grab & Go

At Bright Oak Baptist Church Monroe LA, a grab and go lunch was provided by Bright Oak Baptist Church and friends to tornado victims and the community Saturday April 25. Among those donating and showing love to the people were city council chair Juanita Woods and city council candidate Coach Jesse Smith among the many who gave their time and money brightening others day with a free lunch with all the trimmings and a drink. Rev. Barry Gibson is Pastor.

Photo Grab & Go- Bright Oak Baptist Church Robert Cherry, Roland Edwards and city council candidate Coach Jesse Smith.

Photo Grab & Go 1-Pastor Barry Gipson, church members and volunteers serve tornado victims and those in need.

Photo Grab & Go 2- Pastor and Mrs. Barry Gipson and a church member help serve.

Photo Grab & Go 3 – Bright Oak Baptist Church Grab & go served hundreds.


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