No Struggle, No Progress

Black & Brown Folks' Reopening Permission

White people have figured out how to protect themselves from coronavirus. But, the COVID-19 infection curve may or may not be flattening for Black, Brown and Indigenous people

White people, historically speaking, have been very comfortable building their economies on top of Black, Brown, and Indigenous bodies. This nation was born of genocide and slavery. It was raised on exploitation and exclusion. And in the face of death, Whiteness will feed Black, Brown, and Indigenous bodies to the beast long before it protects us as Brothers and Sisters from a common enemy.

And that is what’s happening now. White people have figured out how to protect themselves from the Coronavirus — for the most part.

There’s a saying: “You don’t have to be faster than the bear. You just have to be faster than the slowest person running from the bear.” White people think they have this race figured out.

White communities make enough money or have enough money to stay home if they need to. They can pay for their groceries. They can pay for their utilities, Internet, and phone service. They have access to information, entertainment, and each other.

Social distancing isn’t really a problem for them. They are more likely to own property and live in less crowded environments and households. They can have their groceries delivered to them — by people who aren’t White. They can work from home. They can drive (or take an Uber) instead of relying on public transportation. If they visit family members, they aren’t going into over-stuffed and under-maintained buildings. They aren’t going to jails, prisons, and homeless shelters at the same rates, either. That’s for other families.

White neighborhoods aren’t riddled with pollution and neglect. They didn’t catch asthma from the gas refinery next door. They haven’t suffered from the cancers triggered by the chemical plants in their back yards. They don’t have the hypertension and diabetes that comes with an abundance of racism and a lack of grocery stores and hospitals. White communities aren’t immune from these pre-existing conditions, but their communities aren’t characterized by them either.

They can also protect themselves more effectively from the virus if they do have contact with the public. They can and do hoard sanitizers, cleaning supplies, and masks. They have water. They have gloves and sewing machines and an endless string of Pinterest links for how-to-make your own PPE.

White folks, for the most part, don’t have to rely on public facilities at the same rates that Black and Brown and Indigenous communities do. They don’t have to make as many stops to make their ends meet. And most of the time, they can pay a person that isn’t White to take the risk for them.

According to a study reported in the New York Times

… 75 percent of front-line workers in the city — grocery clerks, bus and train operators, janitors and child care staff — are minorities. More than 60 percent of people who work as cleaners are Latino, and more than 40 percent of transit employees are Black.

And so Black, Brown, and Indigenous people are being fed to the bear.

White folks have it figured out. Or at least they think they have figured it out well enough to play the odds on sending America back to work. They think they can outrun the bear. They aren’t immune from the coronavirus, but White folks can reasonably buffer themselves from the virus by placing Black, Brown, and Indigenous bodies between themselves and COVID-19.

According to the New York Times …

The preliminary death rate for Hispanic people in [New York City] is about 22 people per 100,000; the rate for Black people is 20 per 100,000; the rate for White people is 10 per 100,000; and the rate for Asian people is 8 per 100,000 …. In New York City, Latinos represent 34 percent of the people who have died of the coronavirus but make up 29 percent of the city’s population, according to preliminary data from the city’s Health Department. Black people represent 28 percent of deaths, but make up 22 percent of the population.

According to EcoWatch …

In Chicago, where African Americans make up 32 percent of the population, they have accounted for 72 percent of virus-related deaths and more than half of all positive test results. Similarly, in Milwaukee, Blacks make up 28 percent of the population but have been 73 percent of all COVID-19 related deaths.

And this is just a sample of the findings from the very limited statistics that are being collected from communities of color. There are gaps in what we know - and Black and Brown bodies are falling through them.

The statistics we are seeing are coming from people that have been tested. They do not count people who have been denied testing, those who are turned away from hospitals and testing centers, those who don’t have access to testing, those who don’t seek testing, or those who die at home.

In other words, we aren’t seeing what is happening to Black, Brown and Indigenous people. These communities are often located in health care deserts and don’t have access to care. If they have care, it is often substandard. These communities often lack health insurance. And those that have had experience with the health care system have been tormented and traumatized by the racism within it. They often won’t seek care as a result. Taken from the b|e note


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