No Struggle, No Progress

Tools to Cope

We are facing some pretty trying times as a community here in Monroe. Not only are we dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic that is affecting the world, but some are also now left to clean up after a series of tornadoes struck our community, damaging homes and businesses. We are projected to get more severe weather during our peak tornado season, which typically runs March through August, and can possibly further threaten our health and well-being. Having more time at home is helping me drill down on things, including things I am doing to help me cope during this time. When I start to feel anxious or stressed out, I pull out my journal to write. There is something therapeutic in jotting down pure thoughts. For me, writing helps to make things and situations clear.

When I start to feel restless, I get up and complete some type of physical activity. My latest physical activity has been bike riding. A few years ago, I purchased a bicycle on sale. It has been a while since I used it before the Coronavirus outbreak, but it has proven to be a fun way to get out, see the neighborhood, and get physical.


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