No Struggle, No Progress


Hebrews 10:25 - Not forsaking 1fu assembling of ourselves together. John Donne believed that no man is an island. Many of us Iive our lives ignoring that the simple difficult truth until we become ill. It is well documented that vibrant social bonds are an integral element in health, healing and longevity. God had good reasons for commanding us to fellowship with one another. There 15 something about having to "rub elbows" with other people that keep us from isolating ourselves, especially when we are struggling with emotional issues. Even children today seem for more self-centered than they were years ago when two, three or more siblings had to share a bedroom. Relations provide the exercise of staying in touch with others. Some of the loneliest people wait for their phones or doorbells to ring and complain because no one cares. Not only is it your responsibility to reach out to others; it actually is a privilege to be involved with others’ lives. Even if you aren't a group kind of person, you were created to communicate, and it keeps you healthy. Healthy relationships are important. Loneliness kills. All of us need interaction with others. It causes us to forget about ourselves_ when we focus on others. God made us to need one another. Your life is enriched when you reach out to others and let them reach out to you. God created us to need one another.


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