No Struggle, No Progress

Spiritual Paternity Test

At Mount Zion Baptist Church in Monroe LA, Rev. Ike Byrd lll Pastor, Po' Folks' Poet Minister Marion Obafemi filled the pulpit on Sunday March 8. The spirit was high, while the message was 21st Century. Minister Obafemi preached from the subject "A Spiritual Paternity Test for Children of God." The sermon climaxed with the poem "Give us a Sign" which ended an emotional sermon. There was lots of praise, prayer and reverence.

Photo Mt. Zion Po' Folks' Poet 3- Po' Folks' Poet Minister Marion Obafemi

Photo Mt. Zion Po' Folks' Poet 1-Those in attendance heard a powerful message.

Photo Mt. Zion Po' Folks' Poet 2-Among those in attendance.


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