No Struggle, No Progress

Police Jury Closes Portion of Cheniere Lake

It was a rain soaked Tuesday(Feb.18)night as the Ouachita Parish Police Jury held their meeting instead of Monday, as Monday was President’s day. The agenda was light, as the court room only had a few in attendance as Jurors conducted the parish’s business. District “B” Juror jack Clampit asked his fellow jurors to agree to an proposal that Area 6 of Cheniere Lake be closed until further notice. Clampit said that his request was based on the fact that section of the lake is at a very low level. Clampit also said that other factors such as litter and acts of vandalism has made the situation difficult to keep that area open. “There are no picnic tables where people can come out there and enjoy themselves”, said Clampit. In addition to the water level being so low, Clampit said that boat owners can’t even launch their boats in the lake if they wanted to go fishing. Clampit said that it would be in the best interest of those that utilize the lake to close it until the water level goes back up. Another issue that was discussed among jurors was that if someone was injured as a result of the lake not being filled with sufficient water, or any other mishap, the Police Jury may be held liable for damages. Jurors voted 6-0 to close that area until further notice.

In other business, District “A” Juror, Scotty Robinson had an ordinance up for final adoption for a name change on a parish road that is in District A. The ordinance would change the name of “Vayda Mae Lane”, a parish road to “Eagle Ridge Cove”. Ouachita Parish Assistant District Jay Mitchell who serves as the Police Jury legal consul, said that notices were sent to all of the property owners affected, and that they were in complete agreement with the name change. The ordinance passed 6-0.


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