No Struggle, No Progress

Shooting Feud

The gospel message includes forgiveness. This idea is easy to grasp and to appreciate for a person who realizes they're a sinner, or particularly for a person who's led an immoral life before coming to Jesus. God has wiped the slate clean. God gives people a fresh start. A family which has suffered numerous family members deaths is suffering another tragedy. Two wrongs don't and won't never make anything right, while two families are finding it difficult to find forgiveness. If not two families will live in fear where innocent family members will lose their lives for reasons they will never know. According to police reports on Saturday December 7, in Tanglewood in Monroe LA Edgar Lewis died after a shooting. The victim o was found in the 100 block of Blackwood Dr. He was taken to the hospital and died from injuries. Police are investigating, while no arrests have been made. There are three sides to every story. This was one side of this story. The Monroe Dispatch welcomes another or the other side if this story.


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