No Struggle, No Progress

The End Is Near!

This age thrives on the sensation of war. Killing and sex is promoted on television, radio and in songs that are sung throughout the land. They love violent movies and talebearers direct their ways. Lucifer, that Old Devil, wants to confuse and shape the minds of men to think like him; causing them to follow the evil and wickedness of the imaginations of their heart. They curse God, refuses to obey God commandments. They have a form of God, yet they deny the power of God. After Lucifer fell from heaven, he encouraged wickedness and disobedience to God to weaken all the nations. Lucifer has said in his heart the he will ascend into heaven, and exalt his throne above the stars of God, and ascend above the heights of the clouds, and will be like God. But Lucifer was brought down to hell. They that see Lucifer, that Old Devil, shall look upon him and say, “Is this the man that made the earth tremble, that did shake kingdoms, and made the world as wilderness and destroyed cities?” Let’s follow Jesus and His righteousness, following God will exalt nations and bring peace. Well Bless God and Our Lord Jesus Christ! Superintendent Henry E. Davison


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